A daily (hopefully!) photoblog.
All photos on this page are property of and copyrighted by the author of the page, unless otherwise stated. No images may be copied, sold, or reused without permission of the owner.
Two of my friends got married last weekend. I took some candids, and detail shots for the bride and groom. I am quite pleased with how most of the shots turned out. Congratulations Aaron and Jill!!!!
Minnie is an African Grey parrot that lived in my classroom for most of last year. On Friday, she moved to a new, permanent home- with my Grandma. Minnnie is happy that she now has someone who is home most of the time, and is chattering away. My grandma thinks Minnie is very entertaining, and I am glad that Minnie has a home where she is loved, well cared for, and I can visit often. Happy ending for all involved:)
PS...Minnie was quite peeved with me during these photos. She just had a spray bath, and was not happy about that, and then had to suffer the indignity of having her picture taken on top of it all.
Everywhere I look I see signs of fall around. The crops in the fields are starting to turn, the lat summer/early fall flowers are in bloom, and the garden is full of wonderful fresh produce. There's nothing like tomatoes, potatoes, onions, and cucumbers fresh from the garden. And of course famous Iowa sweetcorn.